
Social Network (dating app)

MelodiUs is a mobile application that connects people with similar interests/taste, such as music, movies and more. The main focus of the app is to create real-inner connection between users, matching those who really share something in common.

Users can register using their GMAIL account, making it easier to connect. Furthermore, through the registraton process, they will be asked to add 5 favourite movies as well as 5 favourite music artists. These preferences will add up to filter the users that will be displayed on the home page.

MelodiUs also integrates GPS geolocation, to filter potential matches based on the distance. All of these filters can easily be modified through settings.

Finally, the app can be downloaded to your phone/desktop to use it as a separate application from the browser. I hope you like it!


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portfolio img Next.js portfolio img Redux portfolio img MongoDB portfolio img WebSockets
portfolio img Mongoose portfolio img HTML5 portfolio img CSS3 portfolio img PWA

Video Demo (spanish)
