

Aromas was one of my first group projects. It is an e-commerce focused on aromatic products. Users can easily register, filter our products by categories, add products to the chart and finally make the payment. The application accepts different payment methods and users get an email once the purchase is completed.

There is also an admin view, where the owners of the product can manage the different users register, can view all the purchases and can also verify the status of the purchase. There is also a pannel to update the status of the transaction (completed, shipping and more). Admins can also add, edit and delete any products.

Throughout the project we applied AGILE practices (SCRUM), using Trello and pair-programming.


portfolio img JavaSrcipt portfolio img React portfolio img Node.js portfolio img Bootstrap
portfolio img Express.js portfolio img Redux portfolio img PostgreSQL portfolio img Sequelize
portfolio img NodeMailer portfolio img HTML5 portfolio img CSS3 portfolio img Postman